1st edition of the thematic school TUtorials on DAta Structures for Text Indexation and Compression

Lille, France, May 9-10 2022

TUDASTIC aims to gather computer scientists interested in text data structures from various fields. It intends to facilitate exchanges and interdisciplinarity between communities that usually hardly communicate and yet work on related problems. Presentations in the form of tutorials are encouraged in order to maximize the pedagogical impact and transmission. Speakers will present their expertise on a chosen data-structure and/or related algorithms and/or implementation.

Topics of interest include data-structures for: text indexing, string processing, information retrieval, text compression, self-indexing, representation of Boolean functions and of database queries ; and their applications: search tasks, string pattern matching, (bioinformatics) read alignment and indexation, meta/pan-genomics, transcriptomics, (database) graph databases, text mining, document processing, aggregation.

The thematic school will be held at the CRIStAL laboratory in the Esprit building, on the scientific campus of University of Lille. It will take place on May, 9 and 10, 2022.