You can find below a list of publications related to the project:
- Tractable Circuits in Database Theory, Antoine Amarilli, Florent Capelli ACM SIGMOD Record
- Dynamic Direct Access of MSO Query Evaluation over Strings, Pierre Bourhis , Florent Capelli , Stefan Mengel, Cristian Riveros, ICDT 2025.
- A Simple Algorithm for Worst Case Optimal Join and Sampling Florent Capelli , Oliver Irwin , Sylvain Salvati , ICDT 2025.
- A Top-Down Tree Model Counter for Quantified Boolean Formulas, Florent Capelli, Jean-Marie Lagniez, Andreas Plank, Martina Seidl, IJCAI 2024.
- Direct Access for Conjunctive Queries with Negation, Florent Capelli, Oliver Irwin, ICDT 2024.
- Ranked Enumeration for MSO on Trees via Knowledge Compilation, Antoine Amarilli, Pierre Bourhis, Florent Capelli, Mikaël Monet ICDT 2024
- Geometric Amortization of Enumeration Algorithms, Florent Capelli, Yann Strozecki, STACS 2023.
- Linear Programs with Conjunctive Queries, Florent Capelli, Nicolas Crosetti, Joachim Niehren, Jan Ramon, ICDT 2022
- A Knowledge Compilation Take on Binary Polynomial Optimization, Florent Capelli, Silvia Di Gregorio, Alberto Del Pia, Submitted to Mathematical Programming.